16 BAIRE'S THEOREM AND ITS CONSEQUENCES 81 finite subsets of E, but taking E with the weak topology, so that this topology is defined by the seminorms pXty(U)= \(U • x\y)\ for all x,y in E. This topology is coarser than the strong topology. (a) Show that the weak topology is not metrizable (same method as in Problem 8(a)). (b) The unit ball ^ in &(E; E) is metrizable and compact in the weak topology (method of (12.5.7)). (c) The bounded sets in &(E; E) are the same for the weak topology as for the strong topology. (d) The mapping U\~*U* of &(E; E) into itself is continuous with respect to the weak topology. (e) Show that the mapping (U, V) -* UV of V x <$ into tf is not continuous for the weak topology. (If fe)nez is a Hilbert basis of E indexed by Z, consider the "shift operator" U defined by U- en — en+1 for all n eZ, and its powers U* and U~n.) The topology induced on the unitary group U(E) by the weak topology is identical with that induced by the strong topology, and hence is compatible with the group structure. Also U(E) is not closed in f for the weak topology. (f) Show that, for each U0 e &(E; E), the linear mappings Fh-» U0 V and V\-+ VUQ are continuous on &(E; E) for the weak topology. (g) Let Jt be a submonoid of *€ (i.e., Jf is stable under multiplication). Show that the closure of Jt with respect to the weak topology on JS?(E; E) is a compact monoid, which is commutative if Jt is commutative. 10. The notation is the same as in Problem 9. (a) Let UeV. Show that the relations U - x = jc, (*| U • x) = (x | *), and U* - x = x are equivalent. (b) Deduce that the idempotent operators in V are the orthogonal projections (Sections 6.3 and 11.5.) 11. Let E be a separable Hilbert space, Jt a submonoid containing the identity 1E which is weakly closed (and therefore weakly compact) in *$ (notation of Problem 8). For each x e E, the orbit of x under Jt is the set Jt - x of vectors U - x where U e Jt\ it is weakly compact in E. We say that x is a flight vector with respect to Jt if 0 e Jt - x, and that x is a reversible vector with respect to Jf if for each Ue Jt there exists Ve Jit such that VV • x = x. Let F(^f) (resp. R(uO) denote the set of flight (resp. reversible) vectors with respect to Jt. If x is reversible, then ||£/*x|| = \\x\\ for all UzJt. (a) Every orbit Jt • x contains a minimal orbit N (Section 12.10, Problem 6), and every y e N is reversible with respect to Jt. Let U e Jt be such that U • x = y e N, and let